registration IS FREE
On this website you will find detailed information on the topics, the program, the speakers, deadlines, and the organization.
Registration link will be available soon.
The Italian Bioinformatics Society (BITS) and the SIB (Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) young groups are organizing a workshop for youngsters from both societies.
The aim of the workshop is to encourage dialogue and create a network of young researchers with skills in bioinformatics, computational biology and biochemistry.
The event will offer the opportunity to young researchers to submit contributions and participate to training sessions in computational biology that will be held in collaboration with the Italian training platform ELIXIR (
On this website you will find detailed information on the topics, the program, the speakers, deadlines, and the organization.
Registration link will be available soon.
Submission deadline for scientific contribution is October 31st.
Submission link will be available soon.
For further information please send a message to